Best time to eat breakfast lunch and dinner according to science

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Best time to eat breakfast lunch and dinner according to science

As everyone knows, breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it gives you a foundation from which to burn energy during work, school and other endeavors. However, the hectic schedule of modern life can lead many to skip out on a tasty bowl of yogurt, oats, and fruit entirely in favor of a snack during mid-morning. This is not recommended! Health experts believe that you should take the time to fix up a fat-burning breakfast recipe that will keep you fit and firing until lunchtime. Starting the day off right is incredibly important, but have you ever wondered what the perfect time to eat breakfast is? Well, the mystery is about to be solved, all thanks to science and brekkie expert Dr. Oz.

Within an hour: Dr. Oz believes that breakfast should be eaten within 60 minutes of waking up as this will enable you to reap all the maximum health benefits of the day’s most important meal. Why is an early breakfast important? Scientists claim that you work more efficiently and effectively when you have been fuelled properly as it will aid your cognitive function and memory, kick-start your metabolism, contribute to weight loss, and boost energy and happiness levels. A further study by researchers at the UK dieting enterprise Forza Supplements has pinned down the best time for breakfast at 7 am, so it appears that the early bird does definitely catch the worm when it comes to benefiting from a hearty first meal of the day.

Glucose levels: Science shows that breaking your fast within the first hour of the day will restore the body’s glucose levels, which will improve your concentration and memory levels and result in an overall boost in your brain function. If you have ever wondered why you feel tired and irritable mid-morning, then your breakfast may be to blame. Studies also show that kids that eat a great breakfast get better grades than those that don’t. The evidence is stacking up, and it’s certainly in favor of making time for a first meal of the day after a morning shower or workout.

Metabolism: Metabolism slows down during sleep, so you need to eat breakfast to get it in motion again. An early meal will also regulate your insulin and blood sugar levels, which will ensure that you have sufficient energy sources on hand for the rest of the day. A study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also shows that skipping breakfast entirely can lead to a higher risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Weight loss: Weight watching is the worst excuse to skip out on breakfast as you are more likely to consume foods with a higher calorie and lower nutrient content later in the day to make up for the lack of fuel and energy. Eating breakfast within the hour will give you a sound base from which to work from. This will reduce those urges to snack and overeat during the afternoon and at night. A healthy early meal will also lower stress levels and improve your mood.

Lunch and dinner: Scientists believe that lunch should be eaten around four-and-a-half hours after breakfast and then dinner several hours later. Dr. Oz has highlighted a very important rule – don’t eat dinner within three hours of going to bed as you will struggle to digest the meal properly. “What you don’t burn off is more likely to be stored as fat, as you become less active towards the end of the day,” Forza Supplements Managing Director Lee Smith concludes. “Eating too close to bedtime increases your blood sugar and insulin, which makes it harder to sleep. Your last meal should be the lightest of the day and should be eaten at least three hours before you go to sleep.”

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