4 ways to make the most out of your breakfast

by Hygiene Tips
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1) Break your sleepy laziness with a breakfast!

  1. Have you heard?

“Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dine like a pauper.” We all have heard this, and this holds more truth than it seems to. Breakfast is the key to unlock the beautiful beginning of every new day, which can have benefits that last all day long if done efficiently. The most important meal of the day catches a bright ambiance when it meets the chefs of Freakin’ Healthy.

  • Can improve brain functionality:

Ideally, how to start your day after 8 to 9 hours of sleep is a difficult decision. This 8 to 9 hour of brain inactivity brings laziness. Having a healthy breakfast can boost your cognitive function. A mix of healthy snack foods to start your day with restores your glucose levels, which is an important carbohydrate that aids in brain function, lowers your stress levels, and releases essential enzymes to make you feel energetic and fit to start your day, however hectic it may be.

  • Jump start your busy day:

Breakfast has time and again been given so much emphasis, which is exactly because it is the single most important meal of the day. When you wake up, your body is not necessarily in a mood to wear a suit and get back into the business. This is because of sleep inertia; when you wake up, you want to keep sleeping. Unfortunately, this is a sad story for every sleeper. An adult requires about 2000 to 2500 Kilocalories of energy per day. Having a time healthy breakfast makes sure that these needs are appropriated and your laziness is dealt with.

  • A life insurance:

Consider this an insurance service and that too without any premiums to be deposited. A habit of having a healthy breakfast in a positive environment such as that of around your family, friends, or loved ones can have long-lasting positive effects on your health.  Having breakfast regularly reduces obesity, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and diabetes. So, start your day healthy and stay healthy.

  • Breakfast with Freakin’ Healthy!

With all this hassle going on around the importance of breakfast, Freakin’ Healthy has prepared its healthy snack bars for you to have on the go. These snacks are full of protein and essential nutrients that promises to keep you up and about for the rest of your day. So, order now, and have your favorite breakfast snacks delivered to your doorstep anywhere and anytime in Dubai.

2) Making most with Protein!

  1. Time for some chemistry:

Proteins are macronutrients that are required for the growth of muscle mass. Protein is acquired through many sources, such as animals and plants. Whereas there is much debate around which source to obtain protein from, the importance of adopting vegan means of acquiring food has its own health benefits. This protein further helps in metabolism, the process of digestion. 

  • Why is protein important?

We have often heard that protein is the single most important nutrient that the body needs because protein is an essential building block of bones, skin, tissues, and muscles. Better protein intake means a promoted body growth. Protein also plays an important part in repairing tissues, a process vital to human survival. The human body requires this protein in macro or large amounts; therefore, it is called macronutrients.

  • Protein from plants:

Normally people think that animal-based protein is the best. However, there is a misconception prevalent in the health content of plant-based or vegan food. The protein obtained from animals leaves a negative footprint on your health that cannot be removed. Plant-based protein does lack some essential nutrients. However, this deficiency can be overcome by having a mix and match of different nuts, grains, beans, and soy in your food—each component cover-up for the nutritional deficiency.

  • How to boost breakfast with protein?

Considering all the benefits of protein we described above and its importance, it is essential to include wholesome protein content in your breakfasts. A healthy breakfast should include different types of a plant-based diet so that all sorts of nutrients combine to provide you a complete diet with adequate amounts of protein. Plant protein encourages muscle growth better than whey or animal-based protein and aids recovery. It also improves our health as it provides a wider variety of nutrients. The Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) suggests that a healthy protein level is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

  • Protein Balls

Freakin’ Healthy comes with a lot of snack options. With a wide variety of snacks full of protein to choose from, this competition’s winner is surely our very own protein balls. The protein balls with coconut, healthy chocolate protein balls, and lots of other flavors to choose from, these healthy snacks to have on the go provide you up to 10 grams of protein per 40 grams of serving. With these low sugar vegan snacks that do not contain any preservatives, protein balls are the best snack to complement your breakfast with

3) Something sweet to have a sweet start?

  1. Starting the day:

A busy day ahead can give you pre-work anxiety and stress, and believe us, no one knows this better than Freakin’ Healthy because we are continuously working to bring the best of the best to you. It is important to start your day with something sweet to have a long-lasting effect on your health and mood throughout the day. Having something sweet triggers an instant and a slow release of glucose, which helps you stay active throughout the day.

  • No Refined Sugar!

Refined Sugar is something we fear. The majority of snacks we love come with sugar, and since it is very harmful to our health, we have to compromise on our cravings. It increases the risk of obesity, heart diseases, and diabetes, and you definitely need to avoid these life-taking illnesses. High intake of sugar increases aging and causes tooth decay. So, just let Freakin’ Healthy be your knight through all the sugars.

  • Using the nature:

Well, you might be thinking about how to start a day with something sweet if refined sugar is not allowed. Uh, this is Freakin’ Healthy, duh. So, refined sugar is not necessarily the only ingredient that carries a sweetness that can be used to sweeten different snacks. Try our chocolate snacks that have been sweetened using natural sweeteners, only for that matter!

  • Raw Chocolate:

Perhaps, the best-est way to start a hectic day is to have a chocolate at the end of a wholesome breakfast. This Chocolate bar is made completely out of 70% cocoa so that you get to taste the original deliciousness of nature’s most wanted treat. These Gluten-free snacks have no added refined sugar so that you’re protected from the harms of sugar while still enjoying the sweet sourness of pure cocoa.

  • Fruity Bars:

The fruity bars by Freakin’ Healthy are undoubtedly one of the best jelly snacks on the market. The best snacks for kids do not contain any preservatives, food coloring, or artificial flavors. All vegan snacks made without gluten, wheat, eggs, and dairy products are the best suitable snacks for kids. These snacks are made from pure fruit extracts to ensure that you get a meal full of protein and nutrition.

4) Vegan-fasting is your way to a healthy-lifestyle

  1. Notching the breakfast up a little:

Eating vegan snacks can definitely help you boost the nutrition content of your breakfast. By having snacks free from any gluten, eggs, wheat, or dairy products, the health content of the most important meal of the day can be maximized. Freakin’ Healthy promises a vegan character. You should go and try our very vegan granola bars to be sure.

  • Keep things vegan:

Most of the food we eat today is based on animal products such as meat, gluten, and other extracts. Excessive meat can be dangerous for us to consume. Our plant-based snacks contain healthy nuts and fruits in pure form without any added preservatives. A vegan diet reduces the risk of heart diseases, diabetes, certain cancers, obesity, and cognitive decline.

  • No to preservatives:

It is important to have a fresh diet for breakfast or a diet that stays fresh, for example, nuts and beans. Preservatives, food coloring, artificial flavors might have a cunning effect on your taste buds, but they prove to be disastrous for your health over the longer term and weakens the heart. Therefore, it is important to have nutritious food in your breakfast. 

  • Freakin’ Fruits:

Perhaps the best way to stay vegan in breakfast is to consume lots of healthy fruits. This gift of the heavens is an excellent source of protein, fiber, and all other essential nutrients. The antioxidants required by the body, such as flavonoids, can also be obtained from fruits. Our fruity bars are made entirely out of pure fruit concentrates and would be a healthy addition to your breakfast.

  • Gluten free:

Gluten is one thing that can never avoid controversy. Gluten can cause fatigue, constipation, weight loss, intestinal damage, among many other mild to severe diseases. Therefore, it is recommended that vegan snacks be made part of the diet. Breakfast, especially, should contain a gluten-free diet for a healthy lifestyle.

5) Optimizing breakfast with nuts!

  1. Lots and lots of nuts:

Although protein obtained from plants does not necessarily contain all essential nutrients. However, this deficiency can be countered by having lots and lots of different nuts in your breakfast. The healthy vegan crackers are surely a beauty on the breakfast. Nuts such as hazelnut, almonds, dates, and coconut have tremendous health benefits such as promoting heart and brain function, reduced the risk of heart diseases, and much more.

  • Nut butter bites:

Freakin’ Healthy presents its Nut butter bites with a biscuit base made of a mesh of several different nuts, and this biscuit base is topped with a variety of flavors to choose from. These nuts are packed with nutrients that help decrease blood fat levels, regulate blood pressure, and improve your sugar levels.

  • Chia seeds:

Chia seeds contain astonishing surprises. They can absorb more than 10 times their weight in liquid to form a gel-like paste, which can then be used in breakfasts to replace oats that contain gluten. Our raw chocolate topped with chia seeds contains essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and many more to keep you healthy.

  • Cocoa:

It is a must-have which promotes healthy growth of bones and muscles, improves brain function and heart health, and slows down aging. Cacao is an excellent source of fiber, zinc, iron, and magnesium. These nutritious snack bars contain 70% cocoa and are gluten-free snacks with no added refined sugar. The healthy snacks on the go are a must-have for those who like to have something sweet in their breakfast.

  • Breakfast with Freakin’ Healthy!

And so, we glided to the end of our 4 ways to your breakfast. Check our online store and come across many other snacks that can boost your breakfast. Choose now and order away; we deliver anywhere and anytime in Dubai!

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